Combine AI Proctoring and Remote Proctoring to Ensure 100% Cheat-proof Exams

When it comes to assessing the performance of workforces and candidates online, maintaining exam probity is a challenge. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has affected learning and development along with the timely performance assessment for organizations across the globe. Popular remote and AI proctoring software are being used to conduct online assessments for these organizations. And, do you know which of them is more effective? And what happens if the online proctoring software merges remote and AI proctoring together? Let’s explore this!

AI-proctoring Vs. Remote Proctoring:

What is Remote Proctoring? What is AI-proctoring?

Remote proctoring is the process of conducting online exams from remote locations while ensuring exam integrity. The proctoring software verifies the candidates’ identities using online web proctoring and flags dubious activities if any.

Remote proctoring can be classified into multiple types:

Auto proctoring:

The software analyzes and monitors the candidates’ activities remotely. It flags candidates if any suspicious activity or behavior is detected, such as cheating from a notebook or using a mobile phone, etc.

Candidate Identity Verification:

Using the candidates’ webcam the remote proctoring software identifies, verifies, and authenticates identities. The candidates need to hold the ID card in front of the webcam to allow the remote proctoring software to read the details and scan the proof.

Video Proctoring:

The candidates are monitored through their webcams through continuous video streaming. The admins check the videos to ensure nobody is cheating during the exam.

Image Proctoring:

In places, with low internet connectivity, the remote proctoring software clicks pictures of the screen every 30 to 45 seconds. The images are validated to make sure that the exam has been conducted ethically.

AI proctoring ensures a cheating-free exam by using AI technology and a certified human proctor in real-time for organizations to assess their workforce for an additional layer of scrutiny without compromising on exam probity.

Automated Proctoring:

The AI-powered proctoring tool monitors the audiovisual inputs at the candidates’ end and the screen as well. Face logging, multiple and no face logging, voice and face recognition, unusual activity tracking, etc. are done for optimum exam integrity with greater precision to eliminate the chance of cheating by any means. Moreover, the AI tool is capable of detecting multi-racial (different skin tones) candidates and specially-abled candidates, and accommodating them efficiently, without wrongly flagging them.

Live Proctoring:

Live proctoring allows a certified human proctor to invigilate candidates in real-time throughout the test session. The proctor also verifies the candidates’ identity and ID proof to authorize them for the exam using online webcam proctoring.

Review and Recording the Proctored Session:

The proctored exam session gets recorded to review the recording for exam integrity. The recording is not shared with any third party but used for audit purposes apart from reviewing.

    • Now that you have gone through the differences between remote proctoring, how about learning their togetherness?
    • Power of AI-Proctoring & Remote Proctoring for 100% Cheat-proof Exams:

    • AI proctoring and remote proctoring both have their own set of advantages for the online proctored examinations. AI is focused on observing candidates’ behaviors closely by removing any racial or disability-related bias. You can’t solely rely on remote proctoring to deliver decisions. Technology tools like remote proctoring sometimes wrongly accuse candidates of cheating while the actual culprit is the tool that fails to minutely observe the candidates’ activities.
  • 1. Better Scalability:
  • AI-proctoring enriches the fraud detection capabilities of the proctoring software by accurately distinguishing what is malpractice and what is disability or skin-color related issue among the candidates. This helps in accurately flagging the candidates who are cheating and saving honest and innocent ones.
  • 2. Precision and Accuracy:
  • AI-proctored online exams also have “Live Proctoring”. It means a certified human proctor also double-checks that the candidates’ aren’t flagged wrongly. Most of the conventional AI tools miss recognizing the non-white skin tones of candidates. Latest exam tools like MapleLMS Online Examination Tool can effectively capture everything, accommodate candidates with disabilities and ADHD, and also have human proctors for added security.
  • 3. Human-Like Behavior:
  • AI adds human-like observation skills to remote proctoring. As a result, less human intervention is required during exam proctoring.
  • 4. Optimum Security:
  • In high-stake exams, the AI can immediately act on situations where a human proctor misses the misconduct of candidates. And the AI enables an extra layer of security against malpractice.

We believe that your doubts regarding remote proctoring and AI-proctoring are resolved now. If you are keen to learn more about AI proctoring and how it transforms the current exam scenario. Please explore the MapleLMS Online Examination Tool. Visit MapleLMS for more!.


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