Are you frustrated due to less time for your business-critical processes? Make more time by integrating MapleLMS with Nimble AMS and reduce your workload!
Nimble AMS is an AMS platform that when integrated with MapleLMS enhances member engagement and streamlines your member learning and training experience, supports their continuing education, and automates certification issuing. The Nimble AMS LMS integration assists in syncing continuing education credits and certifications regularly. It also multiplies the non-dues revenue and causes a seamless flow of information between both systems. MapleLMS and Nimble AMS integration automates repetitive tasks like member enrollment and reduces manual work.
The following are some notable outcomes of this two-way integration:
Data Accessibility through Two-way Integration
Members who are logged into Nimble AMS do not need to perform any additional authentication in order to access content on MapleLMS in this LMS integration with Nimble AMS. The members’ data is immediately synced to MapleLMS upon the generation of their IDs in the Nimble AMS platform. This gives the members access to a centralized learning ecosystem that works with credentials from both Nimble AMS and MapleLMS. Associations are exempt from the need to migrate members to the LMS or generate new credentials. Administrators and supervisors have direct access to the members’ LMS learning performance reports through the LMS platform or Nimble AMS.
Member's Continuing Education is Supported
The AI-powered learning pathways offered by MapleLMS support members in achieving their goals and enhancing their continuing education. In addition, MapleLMS offers course information that is reflected in Nimble AMS, including the total number of courses, their completion and end dates, their progress, course credits, badges, and final scores. Members are able to access this information at any time and from any location.

eCommerce Options for Generating Non-Dues Revenue
Through the Nimble AMS storefront portal, members can conveniently purchase courses and other merchandise offered by the association. These purchases are immediately available in MapleLMS and are commissioned automatically. In a similar way, conference and event registrations are coordinated between the two platforms. After attending the event, the members also get their scheduled credits.
Members can also use the MapleLMS eCommerce platform to directly purchase courses. A course catalog, payment gateway, shopping cart, and other features are included in the MapleLMS platform itself. After that, you can use the AMS to access the paid courses.
Data Mapping to Write Back Content to AMS
The data and activities on both systems are updated by the integration between Nimble AMS and MapleLMS. The staff of your association will be less burdened with manual labor due to this automation, which also lowers the possibility of error. The status and roles of users are always known to MapleLMS, and it can ascertain whether or not they are members. The member’s Nimble AMS data will determine their access to courses and other specific MapleLMS features.
Similar to this, MapleLMS sends information back to Nimble AMS following the finalization of a course, the completion of an assessment, and the earning of credits. This information includes the number of courses completed, their progress, the date of completion, certifications, credits, and badges. This makes sure that all user or member profiles and their transcripts are accessible to Nimble AMS. Following that, a certificate is issued by MapleLMS and is automatically reflected in Nimble AMS. To protect data integrity, MapleLMS employs SAML 2.0 encryption when logging in with credentials.

Dashboards, Analytics, and Reports
Members can view their learning and performance metrics through dashboards and reports from both of the integrated platforms, Nimble AMS and MapleLMS for members. Reports and dashboards are generated at the Member, Content, and System levels. To find out what rewards, such as badges, credits, and certificates, members have received, transcripts can be examined at the member level. Members can also access these reports above that.
At the content level, the administrators find out about the members’ preferred modes of learning, the most popular courses, etc. Annual and monthly reports that are generated at the system level for the events, merchandise, and courses are available to management.
Furthermore, data on assessments, enrollments, member growth and retention rates, enrollment in certification programs, and other related metrics are readily accessible.
In addition to Nimble AMS, Fonteva, MemberClick, Personify, Aptify, Impexium, Protech, iMIS, and additional third-party applications such as HRMSs, ERPs, SISs, CRMs, etc. can all be integrated with MapleLMS. To see how it works and to discuss it further, sign up for a free demo right away!