
LMS Gamification

All About Gamification Components and the Advantages for LMS

Learning management systems are trending like hot cake as the world is moving into remote and easily accessible online and offline learning setups. The problem here is monotonous content libraries that employees, partners, members, and customers (learners) find boring to continue after a couple of sessions, as they don’t ignite the curiosity or interactivity to...
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AI Exam Proctoring

To-do List If You are Appearing an AI-proctored Exam

Now that learning and development programs have shifted to learning management systems (LMSs), online exams and assessments are also following the suit. Organizations are finding remotely proctored exams an easy way out to assess their dispersed workforces in this COVID-19 pandemic situation. When it comes to online exams, AI exam proctoring seem the most secure and cheating-free method. But...
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Leadership Training

How to Strengthen Online Training for Leadership Roles?

Eventually, the world is opening up after the pandemic as vaccination is actively being administered worldwide. With that being said, organizations are expecting employees to return to work while 74% of CFOs (chief financial officers) anticipate few of the employees may permanently work from home. For such situations, organizations must be equipped to ensure that...
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Remote Training Mistakes

3 Remote Training Mistakes – You Must Avoid

2021 is racing towards a virtualized world where from offices to schools, colleges, training and development, everything is accessed from home. All credit goes to the COVID-19 pandemic that still is wreaking havoc on most parts of the world. Online learning management systems have been adopted by organizations including corporates, nonprofits, associations, so that their...
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Best LMS for Association’s Members Training

How to Choose the Best LMS for Association’s Members Training?

Training association members is a tough challenge unless you have the beat association LMS at hand. These learning management systems not only help your members learn and grow professionally but also enhance engagement for a better learning experience. And in case you already have an association management software (AMS) such as Fonteva, then the LMS...
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LMS Gamification

How Does Gamification Work in an LMS?

Who loves learning through a boring non-interactive session online or on-demand? Well, not many of us are fond of this mode of learning. As technology is evolving and learning management systems are empowering continuing learning, gamification techniques are taking the forefront to enhance learning engagement and learner retention. LMS Gamification enables stakeholders to learn with...
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