Community & Collaboration

Community & Collaboration

Enable learners to collaborate, be part of learning communities, share challenges and expertise, and communicate with peers and instructors right on the LMS platform.

Social Learning

Social Learning for Collaborative Education!

MapleLMS facilitates a collaborative learning environment through LMS Social Learning. Learners get to share experiences and knowledge, engage with peers and instructors, collaborate on projects, and learn together. Social learning creates a sense of belonging to a community and promotes a connected learning culture.

Collaborate Connect Learn Together

Use the Social Features from the LMS

Enable communication and collaboration between peers and instructors with MapleLMS LMS social features, such as discussion forums, chat rooms, and social groups. These features encourage learners to share their knowledge and experiences and forge a sense of community.

User-Generated Content

Encouraging user-generated content in the form of blogs, videos, and podcasts is shareable with other learners and helps learners showcase their knowledge and skills so that other learners can learn from their experiences.

Peer-to-Peer Learning

Encourage peer-to-peer learning so that learners get to learn from each other through discussion forums, collaboration on group projects, and peer reviews. This helps learners get feedback from their peers and implement that in their learning.


Enhance learning engagement and make learners challenge each other positively in competitions with gamification. LMS gamification techniques, such as leaderboards, badges, certificates, and points work as incentives for learners to participate in social learning activities.


MapleLMS social learning analytics can help you track learner engagement with social learning features. This can provide insights into the most popular and effective social learning activities that facilitate better learning.

Quizzes, Questionnaires, Forums, Groups, Feedback, Chats, and Surveys

Enhancing the Learning Experience at its Best!

MapleLMS enhances the learning experience by facilitating engaging course material, peer-to-peer collaboration on projects, collecting feedback, and offering learners enough support!

Communicate Collaborate Accomplish

Test their Knowledge with Quizzes

Conduct Quizzes as multiple-choice or true/false questions to assess learners' understanding of the course material, and offer immediate feedback to learners, showing them which questions they got right or wrong. Use Quizzes as a form of summative assessment to evaluate learners' performance and progress.

Understand Learners with Questionnaires

Gather learners' feedback, evaluate course effectiveness, or identify areas for improvement using questionnaires. They are like surveys in an LMS that collect information from learners about their preferences, opinions, or experiences.

Discuss over Forums

Allow learners to post course-related questions, comments, and answers using forums. Forums in an LMS work like an online discussion board and they facilitate peer-to-peer learning through project collaboration and knowledge and experience sharing.

Groups for Collaboration

Facilitate collaboration, peer support, and learning among learners with similar backgrounds or learning needs using groups. Groups in an LMS organize learners into smaller teams or communities based on shared interests or goals.

Improve with Feedback

Allows instructors and learners to share Feedback using the LMS. Feedback on course performance or learning experience, and course content is useful to bridge the gap and help learners improve their performance while motivating and supporting them for an enhanced learning experience.

Chats to Communicate

Enable learners to communicate in real-time with instructors or other learners using the LMS Chats feature. Learners can ask questions, clarify course content, or discuss course-related topics, and keep them stay engaged and motivated.

Gather Feedback with Surveys

Gather feedback from learners about the course, the instructor, or the LMS itself using Surveys. You can assess learner satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, or evaluate course effectiveness, to get valuable insights into the learning experience for informed decision-making.