

White-labeled LMS and mobile apps ensure a flexible and engaging learning experience within a scalable and responsive platform.

White-labeled LMS and Mobile Apps

Branded Learning at its Best!

MapleLMS enables organizations to sublicense the white-labeled LMS and mobile apps to create their own brand identity. This opens up more avenues for revenue generation while offering a customized, branded, and comprehensive learning experience, across devices and platforms.

Branded Learning Experience Across Devices & Platforms

Branding and customization

With a white-labeled LMS and mobile app organization's use their own branding, logo, color scheme, and other design elements to create a seamless user experience for their learners.

Integration with Existing Systems

MapleLMS integrates with a wide range of applications, such as HRMS, ERPs, CRMs (Salesforce, Zoho, Microsoft Dynamics) to provide a more comprehensive and streamlined learning experience for users. Plus, makes reporting and analytics easier for decision makers.

Custom Dashboards & Reports

MapleLMS comes with 50+ built-in report templates to meet the unique needs of the organization. You can create custom dashboards, reports, and analytics that provide actionable insights into learner performance and engagement.

Deployment and Support

Once the white-labeled LMS and mobile app have been customized and developed, they can be deployed and rolled out to. MapleLMS provides ongoing support and maintenance, including bug fixes, updates, and technical support, as well as unlimited training support.

Data Security and Privacy

The white-labeled LMS and mobile app are securely built with required protocols and are compliant with relevant data protection regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA. Your learners’ data is protected and used only for authorized purposes.

Responsive Design

Training with Convenience!

A responsive LMS design ensures it is accessible to users on devices of different device types, screen sizes, and platforms by adjusting its layout and content accordingly. It prevents quality compromise when the user moves to a different device or platform to offer an optimized learning experience across all devices.

Mobile-first Design Optimized Learning Experience Portability

Flexible layouts

The flexible layout of the LMS easily adapts to different screen sizes, resolutions, and platforms. Fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries, used in the LMS design and development enable it to adjust the size and placement of content based on the device being used.

Scalable Content

The content displayed on the LMS adapts to the design and layout of the device it is accessed on for a optimal learning experience, without losing any clarity or functionality. Scalable fonts and vector graphics are used to help the LMS content scale up or down without losing quality.

Mobile-first Design

MapleLMS is designed with a mobile-first approach, meaning that it is optimized for mobile devices first and then adapted for larger screen sizes. It helps learners to access and interact with the LMS seamlessly on their mobile devices.

Touch-friendly Interfaces

MapleLMS is intuitively designed so that it works with touch-friendly interfaces such as touch screens on mobiles, tablets, laptops, or desktops. Visible large buttons and icons, optimize navigation for touch-based interactions.

Cross-device Synchronization

MapleLMS synchronizes learner progress and data across different devices, ensuring that learners can pick up where they left off regardless of the device they are using.


Use as you Go!

From a small local team to a global team of employees, partners, and members, or external learners, MapleLMS can accommodate your training needs like no other. You get everything a SaaS LMS can offer and more!

Performance Functionality Affordable

Multi-tenant Architecture

MapleLMS has a multi-tenant architecture, which makes it scalable for organizations depending on the specific requirements. There are multiple servers or nodes to handle increased traffic and data load. We handle large numbers of users and data without overloading any single server to ensure an uninterrupted learning experience.

Load Balancing

Load-balancing techniques distribute user requests and data across different servers or nodes, ensuring that no single server is overloaded. Have highly responsive and well-performing LMS even under high levels of traffic.

Cloud Hosting

MapleLMS is a SaaS LMS, that is hosted on cloud servers for scalability benefits such as automatic scaling, on-demand resources, and high availability. The LMS handles sudden spikes in traffic and data without downtime or performance issues.

Database Optimization

LMS Database is optimized for scalability by using techniques such as partitioning, indexing, and caching. Optimization helps the database handle large amounts of data and user activity without slowing down or crashing.

Performance Monitoring

MapleLMS is constantly monitored for performance and scalability issues through load testing, monitoring, and analytics. This helps to identify any bottlenecks or performance issues and enables us to optimize the system for improved scalability and performance.

Automated Alerts

Keep them Informed!

Automated alerts ensure improved compliance on time by informing learners about certification requirements, and new course availability, and notifying the admins, instructors, HR, and managers about the teams’ learning development and progress.

Information Compliance Deadlines Certification Requirements

Trigger Events & Notification Settings

MapleLMS is developed in a smart way to auto-generate alerts based on predefined trigger events, such as learner progress, completion of activities, and deadlines. Administrators and instructors set the notification preferences, such as the frequency to receive alerts, types of alerts, which users should receive (learners or stakeholders), and the channels (e.g., email, groups, on the LMS profile, or chats).

Alert Templates

The LMS provides pre-designed alert templates that you can customize based on the organization's needs and preferences. This includes the message content, the language used, and the visual design.

Automated Delivery

The LMS automatically generates and delivers alerts to the appropriate recipients based on their notification settings and the trigger events. Send alerts to learners for assignments, deadlines, new courses, or certification requirements.

Alert Tracking and Reporting

Track and report on the delivery and response rates of automated alerts within the LMS. This helps administrators and instructors to monitor the effectiveness of the alerts and adjust the settings and templates as and when required.

Personalized Reports for All

Track Progress Effectively!

Personalized LMS reports help instructors and admins take informed decisions to enhance courses as they receive the right insights from the reports. System admins, instructors, and learners can access reports from the LMS based on their roles.

Update Analyze Insight

Data Collection

Collect data on learner progress, performance, and other essential metrics using the LMS. Course completion rates, quiz scores, assessments, and other relevant information gathering is done.

Report Templates

50+ readily-available LMS report templates can be customized according to your organizational requirements and preferences. You can pick the types of data to be included, the formatting and layout, and the visual design.

Personalization Settings

Instructors and administrators set their report preferences, such as which types of data they want to see, how frequently they want to receive reports, and which channels (email, PDF downloads, or on the dashboard).

Automated Report Generation

Auto-generate personalized reports from the LMS for learners, instructors, and administrators depending on their report preferences and the collected data. Sending weekly or monthly reports to instructors, admins, and stakeholders to monitor learner performance, and course progress, evaluate the effectiveness of the learning programs, and enhance the learning experience.

Report Tracking and Analysis

Track and analyze the effectiveness of personalized reports, including delivery rates, response rates, and engagement rates using the LMS. Administrators and instructors get to identify areas for improvement and adjust the report settings and templates accordingly.

Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

View what you Need!

Role-based access privileges for learners and instructors ensure that they have access to the relevant LMS activities only. This removes the chance of any errors or accidental mishaps on the LMS data.

Define Roles and Access Control Access

Define Roles & Assign Permissions

Define different roles for learners, instructors, content developers, and admins. Assign one or more roles to users as required, and give them access to the LMS as required. The access levels define who can view, edit, or delete content, enroll or drop learners, and create or modify courses.

Access Control

Using the RBAC you get to control access to the different activities that can be performed within the LMS for different users. Learners can only be able to access their own course materials, while instructors have access to all course materials and learner progress reports.

Audit Trail

Maintain the audit trail of all user activities and access attempts using the LMS. Your LMS administrators monitor the user activity and identify any unauthorized access attempts. The audit trail helps you identify and prevent unauthorized attempts on the LMS and secures the learning environment.